Opinion17th OctoberVOX POPULI OF POLITICAL PARTIES ⟩ What kind of local taxes should be applied for the benefit of the regions?
Opinion17th SeptemberEntrepreneurs ⟩ Appeal by well-known entrepreneurs regarding taxes and national defense
Opinion13th AugustHEIDO VITSUR ⟩ The toughest choices lie ahead. Three fundamental problems need to be solved.
Opinion1st AugustRIHO TERRAS ⟩ The funds from the security tax will go towards who knows what. A better solution is needed
Opinion23rd JulyHelir-Valdor Seeder ⟩ New coalition agreement is a disappointment and confirms only one thing
Estonian news19th July 2023Motor vehicle tax to bring EUR 120 mln into Estonia's state coffers annually
Estonian news19th June 2023Estonian parlt passes bill increasing excise duties on alcohol, tobacco products
Estonian news9th June 2023Estonian media enterprises: Planned VAT increase on newspaper subscriptions a shock