Postimees Digest, Monday, March 18

Please note that the article is more than five years old and belongs to our archive. We do not update the content of the archives, so it may be necessary to consult newer sources.
Photo: Liis Treimann


National defense committee members to undergo security checks.

The Riigikogu Constitutional Committee has come up with a bill to make members of the Riigikogu National Defense Committee undergo security checks to gain access to NATO secrets starting from the next composition of the parliament. Should a delegate fail the security check, an alternate member would be attached to the committee. The proposal comes as a reaction to the 2011 interpretation of the law by security authorities, according to which MPs need security clearance before gaining access to sensitive NATO data.

Editorial: union tax

Collecting own resources would diminish impact of member states’ domestic policy on EU.

Collected as taxes, own resources would make EU citizens more demanding towards Brussels’ decisions, but at the same time both commission and parliament may gain greater independence than member states- governments. No doubt, tax issues cannot be approached as simple math. However, we might as well start thinking on what the future financial perspective will look like.


