The people do not want Savisaar or Helme for President

Tuuli Koch
, reporter
Please note that the article is more than five years old and belongs to our archive. We do not update the content of the archives, so it may be necessary to consult newer sources.
Illustration: Allikas: TNS Emor

In case the people elected Estonian President and were able to vote «against», Edgar Savisaar would pocked majority of the votes.

Mr Savisaar would be voted down by 51 percent of the 1,375 people responding to Postimees/ TNS Emor poll asking «Who should not become Estonia’s president?».

Estonians, at that, were especially rigid at 71 percent. Among the others, the percentage is down to nine. In Tallinn, the percentage of opponents is 43.

«Over 70 percent against – that’s a very clear signal,» admitted the pollster.

Marina Kaljurand has about seven percent of respondents against her becoming President.

At the moment, the picture is rosiest for Allar Jõks with mere three percent against.

«Judging by the difference between yes and no votes, and the amount of the neutral, Jõks has the best options,» admitted the pollster.

Contradicting the fears of the establishment, Mart Helme of EKRE has five percent for but 23 against.
