Businessman Tuulberg walked into Savisaar's office a mere month before the March 2015 Riigikogu elections. The men engaged in a conversation in the back room. “Two questions right away. How are the Culture Cauldron preparations coming? Ribbon cutting?” Tuulberg asked.
Savisaar: “I should be asking you, I'm not the...”
The two infamous participants of the above conversation definitely had things to hide. Two months prior, Tuulberg had handed Savisaar, a personal acquaintance, €50,000 in cash in that very office, which episode is the reason Savisaar is today charged with accepting a bribe from Tuulberg.
Those €50,000 had come to Savisaar in exchange for the city making sure Tallinn Culture Cauldron's renovation procurement went the way of the joint bid by Astlanda Ehitus and Rand & Tuulberg AS.
The procurement had initially been won by another bidder; however, Tuulberg's camp contested the decision on November 3, 2014. A day later Tuulberg asked Savisaar to order the head of the Culture Cauldron, Väino Sarnet, to remove the bid of the initial winner.
Tuulberg believed the bid did not match the entrepreneur's prior works. Savisaar promised to help Tuulberg and sort out the problem. The winning bid was dropped two weeks later, on November 17.
Another month, and the procurement was handed to Tuulberg's camp for €3,146,664 plus VAT. Tuulberg then withdrew €50,000 in cash from his Nordea bank account at 3.22 p.m. on December 9 and took it straight to Edgar Savisaar towards the end of the working day.