In private ward at East-Tallinn Central Hospital for third day, Centre chairman and Tallinn mayor Edgar Savisaar will have his heart condition checked today.
In private ward at East-Tallinn Central Hospital for third day, Centre chairman and Tallinn mayor Edgar Savisaar will have his heart condition checked today.
Unwilling to expound on medical procedures yesterday, Centre Party secretary-general Priit Toobal limited himself to telling BNS the stay at hospital would be prolonged. Meanwhile, East Tallinn hospital head Ralf Allikvee told Public Broadcasting the Centre chairman’s health trouble is serious.
Though known for heart trouble for years, the grapevine was saying Mr Savisaar may have found the hospital a fitting stop to avoid eavesdropping by security police.
His home occupied by security policemen for the entire Tuesday, the Mayor may be lacking confidence the place isn’t infested by «bugs». In that case, commanding the forces in this battle from home would prove complex.
The new headquarters came in handy as a total surprise for investigative bodies.
Pity the man
The other aspect in favour of being hospitalised is the court deliberations underway regarding removing the mayor from office. Team Savisaar thinks even judges should show some pity.
Anyway, the days at hospital look like a blessing in disguise while Harju County Court has postponed till the middle of next week its decision regarding application by state prosecutor Laura Vaik to remove Mr Savisaar from office during the investigations.
According to sworn lawyers for Mr Savisaar, Üllar Talviste and Oliver Nääs, the prosecutors are saying that while in office, Mr Savisaar might use the position to obstruct criminal procedures.
«Firstly, Mr Savisaar will keep on being Centre chairman,» countered Mr Talviste, to infer this position might be used as well. «Position as mayor is irrelevant.»
Mr Talviste went on to say the case would be unprecedented and Mr Savisaar has a vast mandate. «How can a person be removed who is in office by mandate of voters?» he asked.
Also, Mr Talviste was surprised that in addition to her arguments, the prosecutor had already handed the court the initial evidence. At this stage this was highly unusual, he said.
Centre protest
At Riigikogu, Centre Party faction is considering having recourse to Chancellor of Justice regarding constitutionality of the move. According to faction head Kadri Simson, a criminal code clause is being used to override mandate by the people which the faction thinks is against the constitution.
Yesterday, deputy mayors of Tallinn (Centre) expressed their concern, claiming the removal from office of mayor would be incorrect under democracy, and unfair.
Detained Tuesday morning, Mr Savisaar stands suspected in repeated acceptance of bribe for the value of a couple of hundred thousand euros, in four episodes.
In addition to Mr Savisaar, suspects include a deputy mayor Kalev Kallo (Centre), four prominent businessmen in Estonia, and an ex-politician Villu Reiljan.
At security police yesterday for statements, Mr Savisaar’s closest supporter in these past years Siret Kotka told the officers she could not believe Mr Savisaar has done a deed like this.