Only prosecutor could comment that.
But then the info exchange is still happening as the proceeding is underway. First and foremost, the information shared between the parties is related to the proceeding, including collection of evidence and surveillance activities.
-Has there been such level of cooperation between Estonia and Spain before?
Not so lengthy. There have been other crimes, drug cases as well, but not such lengthy coordination with constant readiness needed. Had to be ready in days off, or during vacation.
At times my Spanish colleague was joking that he dared not to go grocery shopping for a while – might be Raivo calling again.
-Was the capturing of this drug gang a marker in a way?
Well the amounts were very large, not for Spain but indeed for Estonia. In Spain they uncover crimes snatching tonnes of hashish. In the case at hand, the overall amount was 1,200 kilograms which is very much for Estonia.
-How many proceedings have you encountered where Estonians are involved in international groupings of theft or drugs?
There are many but I cannot name them right now.
-What do the Estonians usually stand out for?
This I can tell that for years Estonia has stood out with jewellery shop thefts. The brutal kind: hitting the shop assistant with hammer in the head, breaking the displays and stuffing stuff in a bag. Such criminals have been arrested and sent to bear the punishment, but new ones keep being added more and more. With this, it must be said Estonia is indeed on the map.