Today, an impressive share of Estonian business elite has been detained by Security Police: Aivar Tuulberg, Alexander Kofkin, Hillar Teder and Vello Kunman - along with Mayor of Tallinn Edgar Savisaar suspected in accepting bribes.
Today, an impressive share of Estonian business elite has been detained by Security Police: Aivar Tuulberg, Alexander Kofkin, Hillar Teder and Vello Kunman - along with Mayor of Tallinn Edgar Savisaar suspected in accepting bribes.
Aivar Tuulberg is a holder at construction company Rand & Tuulberg. In addition to that, commercial register liks him to Vallikraavi kinnisvara, AS C.H.P, Barclay Hotell, Tallinna Olümpiaspordikeskus, RTE Torutööd, AS Jõusaal, Muuga Betoonelement, AT Developments OÜ, Baltlink Valduse AS, Kirrendal, Tomladen, RTS Infra, Welement AS and Estonian Athletics Union Federation.
Vello Kunman is linked to AS Silikaat, Aromare, Esraven, Silikaat Kinnisvara, Silikaat Grupp, Aatrium sisustuskaubamaja, EfTEN Capital, Lepa Keskus, Järve Kaubanduskeskus, Haage Joogud OÜ, Key, Valtsnepi, veemeistri OÜ, Luha 500, Stal Impex Estonia, VEEKOM ja Järve Laod.
According to last year Äripäev rich list Hillar Teder was second wealthiest in Estonia at €238.4m. Currently, he is building a €100m business centre near Admiralty Basin, Tallinn. Also, he sits in council of the scandal plagued Port of Tallinn.
Business links also include EC Autoholding, Retail Real Estate, HPT Property OÜ and Porto Franco. he develops real estate in Ukraine and is in control of Arricano Real Estate.
Alexander Kofkin, pole, publickly a frient of Mr Savisaar's, is linked to Meriton Hotels, Maranello Vara (Assets) and Konga Invest.