when travelling with a parent, the written permit of the other parent,
written permission by both parents if a child is travelling without parents.
the other parent’s written permission when travelling with one parent (advisable notarised),
when travelling without parents, permission by both parents (advisably notarised).
written permission by both or the other parent, advisably with copies of passport or ID-card,
child’s birth certificate if parent’s family name differs from child’s.
When travelling without parents: copy of birth certificate, signed permission by both parents, and contact data of the adult responsible for the child in Canada,
When travelling with one parent, copy of child’s birth certificate and the other parent’s written consent with a copy of his/her passport,
when travelling with third persons, written permission by both parents with copies of their passports and contact information.
Sources: embassies, chamber of notaries
Band’s minor fans left behind in Austria
These past years, foreign ministry’s worst pain in the neck has been the band DefRage from Pärnu, with its accompanying-touring minors left behind 11 times in Central Europe without documents, since 2013.
«The rest of the bunch will take off with the minor’s documents and for some reason leaves the minor behind,» said the ministry’s consular aid chief Tarmo Punnik. The cases are mainly related to Austria, with a couple of instances in Germany.
Mr Punnik said the minors attracted attention of social workers once their money ran out. «We have helped identify them and thereafter, teaming up with parents, have organised the trip home as soon as possible,» said Mr Punnik.
The last incident with the band is from end of last year. After the group changed its name, such problems ceased.