Mothers and fathers sending off kids to travel alone must know that in lots of nations the requirement is to verify the parents are aware, and in agreement. First of all, this is to protect the children and is better obeyed.
Mothers and fathers sending off kids to travel alone must know that in lots of nations the requirement is to verify the parents are aware, and in agreement. First of all, this is to protect the children and is better obeyed.
There is a story in Postimees today about a parent sending offspring off towards the UK while forgetting to add a written permission. Thankfully, all went well this time – blessed be the kindness in border guards! Meanwhile, let’s remember that the issue is broader than red tape. Namely, security.
Things get especially complicated with trips out of EU. Also, the very foreign ministry lacks comprehensive insight as to what is required of parents in various nations of the world. While the Estonian border guard is good with a handwritten note by parent, in other places this may not be enough. Some ask for both parent’s consent on paper. Therefore, remember three things: find out from embassy of destination what is required; outside EU better have the paper notarised; and get a population register printout in English, from local government, specifying the relation. The latter is especially helpful should family names of kids and accompanying parent differ.
The bureaucracy may seem awkward, but there have been the recent occasions of one parent attempting to take the kid abroad against the other’s will.
As to the foreign ministry, why not compile a good overview? In other matters, they are doing a good job providing information, and that’s a channel deemed trustworthy. At the moment, the parents hit this blind spot and do need a helping hand.