According to a survey commissioned by the Terve Eesti national health foundation 80 percent of Estonian residents support banning alcohol advertisements like it has been done with tobacco ads.
According to a survey commissioned by the Terve Eesti national health foundation 80 percent of Estonian residents support banning alcohol advertisements like it has been done with tobacco ads.
Results of the survey carried out by pollster Turu-uuringute AS in February show that 80 percent of Estonian residents support or rather support banning showing alcohol advertisements like it has been done with the ones advertising tobacco and only 15 percent oppose or rather oppose banning such advertisements, spokespeople for the foundation said. In addition, 5 percent of respondents did not have an opinion regarding the matter.
According to the survey all society groups support banning advertising of alcohol.
According to head of Terve Eesti Riina Raudne it was surprising that the support for banning the ads was really high in the groups of men and young adults -- respectively 76 percent and 75 percent. She added that among people who consume alcohol quite often the share of people in support of banning alcohol advertisements was 50 percent.
According to the ban on tobacco advertisements used as an example in the survey tobacco can't be advertised on TV, in the radio, in print media, on the internet or in the streets.
The survey was carried out in February among 1,000 respondents.