Delfi Meedia announced on Monday that from April 2024, EPL will be published in a new format: daily as a digital edition within the Delfi portal, and on Fridays as the weekend print edition LP, which publishes longer and more comprehensive articles.
Hobemagi said the news from the competitor was having not direct impact on Postimees' plans.
«Postimees is the oldest, most reliable and continually published daily newspaper in Estonia and still the largest of the quality newspapers,» the chief editor said. «Founded 166 years ago, Postimees has always been at the service of Estonian society and its readers. The aim of Postimees is to be a publication whose readers can be sure that all the important topics and news in Estonia and globally are brought to them every day.»
Hobemagi described Postimees as the «newspaper of record,» from the paper edition of which historians will learn about Estonia's past and search for information hundreds of years from now. Responsibility to history places high demands on Postimees, he said.
«In the header of Postimees is our motto -- we stand for the preservation of the Estonian nation, language and culture through the ages,» the chief editor said. «Estonians are a reader nation, and this has kept Postimees as a central newspaper for more than a century and a half. A print newspaper has many advantages over online media -- important news is on the first pages with larger headlines. From a print newspaper you can immediately see what the editorial board has considered most important that day. Therefore, we will firmly stay the course of continuing as a print newspaper,» he said.
For this reason, Postimees recently updated the typeface of its print edition, making it larger and easier to read, and conducted an in-depth survey of readers of the weekend edition -- all to better meet the expectations of readers.
Hobemagi stressed that the online edition is also very important, a priority, for Postimees, which doesn't mean that the importance and relevance of the printed paper is any less important.