“The question now is whether the legislator wants to retain the ratio of electors to MPs we had before the administrative reform,” Seeder said.
At the previous presidential election in 2016 – before Estonia’s administrative reform – the college was made up of 234 electors and 101 MPs. The President of the Republic Election Act prescribes a certain number of electors from local governments based on number of citizens with the right to vote. Unless the law is amended, electors and MPs would number roughly the same at the next election. The parliament must decide whether to accept this ratio or change the procedure.
Seeder was not quick to say how many electors Isamaa would like to see. “I have talked to politicians from the Center Party and EKRE directly. We have also discussed it in-house,” he said, adding that no agreements have been made.
Helme undecided
The Conservative People’s Party (EKRE) did not want to reveal its cards just yet either. Chairman Mart Helme said that it is first necessary to find consensus in the coalition council. “I would not get ahead of ourselves here. We need political consensus first.”
Majority coalition partner the Center Party already has a vision. The party’s deputy chairman Jaanus Karilaid said that because Center favors direct presidential elections in the long run but has no allies, except for EKRE, when it comes to this matter, they believe the role electors play is crucial. “As a compromise – because local councils stand closer to the citizen than the Riigikogu, we support increasing the number of electors through local councils,” Karilaid said. He added that there could be even more electors than in previous years when the Electoral College has been convened.