Luik said that agreements with Savisaar constitute a red line for him back when his cooperation with Mõis and Sõõrumaa started.
It is probable that the decision will not end Luik’s political career.
The Center Party diagnosed the convergence of the two election coalitions quite accurately: lack of candidates and a falling rating. Secretary General Mihhail Korb said the aim of the coalitions is to take away Center’s votes.
“As concerns all other aspects, this stew of businessmen and Savisaar’s Election Coalition candidates will remain a mystery to voters of both,” he ventured.
Korb said that Mõis is obviously going after Savisaar’s “stupid Lasnamäe votes” as the former Pro Patria Union member himself put it, but added that things are more complicated in the case of the other party.
“The benefit to voters of Savisaar and Olga Ivanova’s marriage to businessmen whose views are far from centrist remains unclear. It seems that both sides are prepared to thoroughly change their rhetoric and face in the name of seats in the council and to stop what the Center Party has been doing.”
Social democrats’ mayoral candidate Rainer Vakra also said Mõis and Sõõrumaa realized their coalition was running the risk of falling short of the election threshold. “Ivanova and Edgar Savisaar realized their election coalition is short on campaign funding. But they have votes. That is how the two met and started discussing a merger,” Vakra found.