According to the ministry the basis of taxation should be the value of things, but the present system of taxation of company cars does not take that into account. The present law states that entrepreneurs have to pay a fringe benefit tax on cars used both for professional and private use, which depends on the number of kilometers driven or is a fixed sum of 256 euros per month.
The ministry's proposal is to tie the fringe benefit tax with a car's motor power and the price of each kilowatt would be 1.96 euros per month, which means that the tax would be 1.3 euros per kilowatt.
The tax would have to be paid if mixed use is possible, not taking into account whether it is actually being used to make private trips. Therefore no driving log would have to be used for business cars intended for mixed use.
The ministry also proposed using registration plats of a different color to determine which cars are only used in entrepreneurship.
Budgetary receipts are estimated to decline by 5 million euros to 20 million euros if the changes take effect. At the same time, the simplicity and efficient implementation of the new system might result in increased numbers of taxpayers.