Kerikmäe added, however, that the fact Estonia has consistently occupied 14-15 place speaks to a measure of stability. “These specialists represent a certain group that changes from year to year. This stability shows we have no great fluctuations in terms of rule of law. We are a small country with small problems,” he said.
The survey questioned nearly 111,000 people in 113 countries and 2,700 legal experts. An online survey was used to question 800 people and 12 experts in Estonia. Other experts were consulted but were not willing to published their names; the latter option was offered to encourage experts of undemocratic countries to give answers.
Experts who participated in the survey under their own names included, in addition to Käsper and Kerikmäe, Aare Märtson, Andres Parmas, Andres Vutt, Anneli Soo, Birgit Sisask, Gaabriel Tavits, Kaja Põlluste, Maksim, Greinoman, Margit Vutt, and Merle Erikson.