-For starters, own drones would help.
We will surely apply those, the issue is what type. We will begin with rotor type which are able to stand at one place. They cost €30,000 to €40,000 and come with an infrared camera. With money available, I would not exclude high flying drones some day, invisible for human eye. These would be permanently circling above 150 kilometres of the border.
-What will change for locals with the new border?
At the moment, we are discussing amendments to State Borders Act. As we get the border completed, Estonia will get some kind of a frontier zone. Our neighbour have it different: Latvians have up to two kilometres, Finns up to three. Can’t draw a clear line. Must be a logical explanation, whether linked to a road or local government line.
So we will have two sets of rules: one is the ten metres wide border strip where people cannot go.
In the frontier zone, people can live and do their things, but with certain restrictions. If we need to react to events on the border, for instance, we can say we travel through a private road. If someone see two busloads of young people around, they can ask border guards about it. For events in frontier zone, bit different regulations apply.
-What will the border be like in 2019?
Border crossing points will be quite like today. If someone comes with Vietnamese in trunk, he might still get across. On water front, not much change – even with border marks on Narva River, fishermen still stray beyond them. But regarding the green border, all crossings will be detected.