The Reform Party became Estonia's most popular party in April as according to a fresh poll taken by TNS Emor for BNS it would get 23 percent of the vote if elections were held tomorrow.
The Reform Party became Estonia's most popular party in April as according to a fresh poll taken by TNS Emor for BNS it would get 23 percent of the vote if elections were held tomorrow.
The Center Party was second with 22 percent of support, while the Social Democratic Party (SDE) and the Free Party came next with respectively 16 percent and 15 percent. The Conservative People's Party (EKRE) was supported by 13 percent of respondents and the Pro Patria and Res Publica Union (IRL) by 7 percent.
Compared with March the support of SDE rose by 1 percentage point and the support of IRL by once percentage points. The support of the Reform Party and the Free Party did not change, while EKRE was supported by 1 percentage point and the Center Party 3 percentage points less than in March.
The support of the three-party coalition of the Reform Party, SDE and IRL increased by three percentage points to 46 percent.
Of non-parliamentary parties Greens were supported by 2 percent and Independence Party by 1 percent.
Respondents who couldn't say made up 17 percent.
TNS Emor interviewed 1,105 citizens of ages 18-74 for the purpose of the survey in their homes and over the internet from April 13-21.