One by one, all had been excluded. With the man now dead, the process promised to be even more complicated.
Toiling hard, the investigators managed to reconstruct the man’s day while Tarvo Kruup of Eastern prefecture admits a 1.5 hour hole remained.
Broadly, the man’s day was like this: he was just transiting from light drugs to harder ones. Addiction had set in. In a condition like this, behaviour may be unpredictable to a person himself. Which was afterwards assumed by psychiatric experts.
Outwardly, though, for the public he still remained an ordinary Narva guy who worked for living and was interested in normal heterosexual relations. Those closest to him suspected nothing. On the day of Varvara’s death, the telephone calls were the totally usual kind.
True, he had an earlier criminal record of being punished twice for various crimes like robbery and battery, but these sound grander as actual content. So he never was in prison.
The police initially focussing on sexual offenders, he was classified as second category suspect. That’s why it took two years until they came for his DNA.
Confirmation came by April 24th 2015 reply from an Austrian lab stating DNA on Varvara complied with two men from the abovementioned 11.