Social ministry adviser Joanna Karu: moving abroad will not spare from payments
- When Riigikogu passes the bill, what will happen with parents who have multiple debts?
Regarding other obligations, child support has first priority. If the debtor has not enough money for all obligations to be covered, the other creditors will go without at the time of payment via bailiff.
- Let’s say the avoiding parent goes to Australia. Will he escape payments?
He will then be squeezed by Australian bailiffs. For that to happen, the other parent needs to file an application in justice ministry regarding execution proceeding in the foreign country and from there Estonian state will administrate it with the other country, Australia. And as Australian bailiff gets the money, he sends it to the Estonian bailiff who gives it to parent. Or else it will go to cover what the state has already paid.
-When will child support claim expire?
Expiry of the claim begins as the child becomes an adult. As the expiry term is ten years, it is possible for expiry 31 years after the child was born. By then, the debt will be in tens of thousands of euros.