Mistakenly, the suicide has been linked to the death of expectant mother and child mentioned above. As explained by Ms Suba, the incidents are «in no way related.»
Ms Suba said the man’s relatives have asked for the incident not to be analysed publicly. «We will honour the wish of the people closest to him and hope the media does too,» she said.
«The obstetrics department is shocked at what happened and the atmosphere in the house is far from usual. Many have been the meetings, discussions, analyses on what happened,» admitted Ms Suba.
On top of the above, the parents of a boy handicapped while born and three years of age by now have filed the hospital for €300,000 of reprisal. A sum so large has never been demanded of any hospital.
Ambulance and hospital disclose no details
Tallinn emergency medical care chief doctor Raul Adlas said the relative of the dead mother and child who wrote the public address forbade the EMC yesterday morning to further comment on the event. «We will honour the wish,» said the doctor.
«Despite the public interest and the widespread coverage in media, we cannot publicly comment without written consent by relatives of the dead as the hospital has no right to publish patient’s health data,» added LTKH communication specialist Liisa Suba.