Interior ministry is circulating a Weapons Act amendment among other things intended to limit self protection guns owned by individuals.
Interior ministry is circulating a Weapons Act amendment among other things intended to limit self protection guns owned by individuals.
The reasons cited are the comparatively large numbers or guns stolen and lost. Also, statistically Estonians might not be the most careful with weapons – owning fewer of these than Scandinavians or Latvians, related deaths are higher.
The gun owners have been most troubled by the one-gun limit in pipeline. The officials have claimed with one gun the loss is minimal as is future ownership of the gun by baddies. Opponents say one gun ain’t enough for self defence.
Actually, in light of the terror in Europe of late, Estonia might use a broader gun ownership debate.
The whole Europe could use a debate. The approaches vary. In the UK, for instance, the self defence weapons have been taken away gradually since 1980ies by tightening the law. While the 1996 Dunblane school shooting proving the last drop. Now, in the big country some two dozen die by firearms in a year.
Naturally, the counter-argument would be illegal weapons mushrooming. The bill comes with other faults as pointed out by experts and hopefully patched up. The more needed a careful approach and a constructive inclusive discussion.
Cartoon: national hero advised to cut the plank a bit shorter till details for use are discussed