Probably a most developed nations regarding communication infrastructure and availability of fast mobile internet. Regarding 5G mobile data communication technology, its standards are only being agreed in the world and its broad use is only expected in 2020.
Examples of South Korean e-services:
* Electronic customs formulation – UNI-PASS
Covers basically all customs procedures from declarations to electronic payment of export and import fees.
* Online patent system – KiPOnet
All related services such as filing applications and monitoring their progress.
* Digital state budget and accounting system – dBrain
All governmental financial activities viewable real-time including budget planning, its fulfilment, and management of funds and assets
* Natural disasters management system – NDMS
Monitoring and management of various types of catastrophes in cooperation with 119-service.
* Immigration control system
Allows advance analysis of background of those desiring entry. The system has significantly cut attempts to enter with faked passport, national security is up.
* e-Public procurements system – KONEPS
All procurements to be performed and monitored in one environment
* Electronic tax management system – Hometax
* Postal logistics system – PostNet
The entire procedure to be administrated and monitored
* Participation portal -ePeople
Allowing citizens to participate in state decision processes including file complaints and proposals, take part in political debates