True: the loss occurred in first quarter of the year while the second one yielded a small profit of €67,000. Last year, however, the second quarter profit amounted to €0.65m.
Since 2008, only two years have proven (slightly) profitable for Baltika, at €0.8m in 2012 and €0.1m last year. As for the other four years, total loss accumulated was €24m. The year at hand looks not too profitable either; rather, they will be in the red again, or barely break even.
Also: almost every year, Baltika has asked investors for extra cash. The company’s last year’s report reveals that this is not planned in 2015.
As explained via press release by the company’s head and majority owner Meelis Milder, Baltika is taking measures to adjust to negative external factors affecting result of 2015: the unfavourably strong dollar vs euro affecting buying-in price, the shrinking retail market caused by condition of Russian economy, the thinning ranks of Finnish and East-European tourists, and spending in the Baltics.
Though the overall retail growth has been considerable, Baltika’s turnover has remained flat for years on end. Second quarter turnover rose by 2 percent to €13.2m, and the first half year’s a meagre percent to €25.5m.
In Estonia, which provided for over third of Baltika’s sales, turnover growth was somewhat better: over the first half of the year, it was up by almost six percent to €9.2m. Meanwhile, competitors Hennes & Mauritz (H&M) and Lithuania’s Apranga showed much more impressive sales growth in Estonia.