Mikser, Reinsalu to become Estonian PM's substitutes

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Photo: Liis Treimann

Estonian Defense Minister Sven Mikser from the Social Democratic Party (SDE) is to be appointed as the substitute of Prime Minister Taavi Roivas during his absences and Justice Minister Urmas Reinsalu from the Pro Patria and Res Publica Union (IRL) as his second substitute.

The government is to discuss at its first meeting on Thursday the prime minister's and ministers' substitution procedure according to which Mikser is the first substitute of Roivas and Reinsalu the second, spokespeople for the government said.

If both ministers also happen to be absent, the substitute of Roivas will be the oldest minister present. The Government Office will inform the president, the speaker of the parliament, ministers, the Auditor General and the Chancellor of Justice of the substitution.
