I have a feeling they are trying to divert our attention here, that the work with some vital illegal agent would be disrupted and the energy would go towards clarifying an inside situation. In a case like this, any counterintelligence organisation will go into high gear trying to understand the extent of the damage caused by the «mole». They are checking his connections, what he knew etc. These capacities will be drawn from elsewhere.
What do you think, is there a link between the Eston Kohver case and the Uno Puusepp film?
I don’t think so. For what sense would that make – why, after that, disclose a «mole» who was not caught?
It’s still surprising that during a comparatively short time there’s two such resounding cases with Estonian and Russian intelligence confronted like that.
It’s just a totally different issue with Mr Kohver. An intelligence officer is only kidnapped to be swapped for another such officer. Probably for Mr Dressen (Aleksei Dressen, convicted in treason and jailed in Estonia – edit).
Why Mr Dressen, and not the other traitor Vladimir Veitman? Or Herman Simm?
The thing is, Mr Dressen still has his life before him. Here, it really does not matter who you swap one for. In Soviet and later the Russian intelligence, a principle was that always, no matter the circumstances, an agent who gets caught is helped out. But here: one gets caught, another one gets caught – the agency network sees these captures, you know.