This is interesting information to shed some slight light on the secret world of intelligence. Even so, we need first to consider that whatever is shown is through the distorting lens of propaganda. Coming in contact with propaganda, it doesn’t matter too much what they say – it’s the goals that matter.
As it is in the very Estonia that lots of pro-Russian agents have been caught and judged, one may assume the damaged pride is attempting to minimise the hurt and magnify the worth of what they have accomplished. Let’s note that the programme says not a word about Herman Simm and Aleksei Dressen, men convicted in treason, who on the basis of all that is known had access to information much more sensitive than Uno Puusepp’s.
In the free world media, lots of influential people have praised the Estonian intelligence and the manner in which the cases have been treated in court. On the one hand, Estonian and partners secrets have indeed leaked; on the other hand, the incidents have been dealt with – decisively. By uncovering a one-time agent, the Russians are obviously trying to suggest that the «big fish» was not caught. Firstly, the message is meant to sow distrust between Estonia and its partners; and secondly to make us believe we have no decent protection.