Taking just the Eastern border, before the Border Guard and Police merger there were 683 specialised in guarding this border, and now there’s one man less – 682.
Counting all police forces, over the five years they have been thinned by about a thousand. Meaning: proportionally, the numbers on the border and the numbers securing public order can in no wise be compared. This is the naked fact.
To this, I’d add that there are multiple times less superiors in the Border Guard now – so, physically, more men are watching the border.
That’s true. Let’s take the talk that there are fewer cordons – vive remaining of the 13. In reality, this is misinformation. A lie, actually.
We still do have 13 cordons on the Eastern border after October 1st, border guards still do work in them. What was changed was that they each used to have a head and his deputy. And so after every 20 kilometres. There may have been the situation of only one or two border guards present in a cordon, on top of the bosses.
The change now was that the leadership level was only left in place in five of the cordons. The other cordons, however, retained the same amount of border guards i.e. people directly guarding the border are more in number. Earlier, there used to be 13 cordon heads, now there are five.