The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications said it ruled not to qualify the tender offer made by Vainamere Liinid in the original public procurement tender for four reasons. Namely, the company did not provide a confirmation of the owner of the ferries that it will be ready to sell the ferries to the state at the end of the contract period, proof that the four vessels will be there until the end of the contract period, and information about the price for which the ferries would be sold to the state. Finally, the tenderer listed additional conditions for the ferry tender by which it refused to reveal the price of fuel, rejected the possibility of the state to terminate the contract without a fine, as well as the type of the agreement under which the ferries would be sold.
According to the Finance Ministry these four differences were not substantive differences which would have enabled the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications to embark on a negotiated tendering procedure without prior publication of a contract notice.
Under the Public Procurement Act, the contracting authority is entitled to organize a procurement procedure in the form of a negotiated procedure without prior publication of a contract notice if no tenders or no requests to participate in the procurement procedure were submitted during an open procedure or a restricted procedure or if all submitted tenders were substantially different from the technical specifications of the object of the public contract specified in the contract documents and the initial terms of the public procurement are not altered in essence.