In July 2014, the retail sales of goods of retail trade enterprises were 448.7 million euros, which was 341 euros per inhabitant. The retail sales in stores selling manufactured goods increased 13% compared to July 2013. Sales increased in most economic activities. Only the retail sales in non-specialized stores selling predominantly industrial goods (e.g. department stores) were 12% smaller than in July of the previous year. In July, the retail sales via mail order or the Internet increased the most (30% growth). A higher than average increase occurred also in stores selling textiles, clothing and footwear (27% growth), in other specialized stores, such as stores selling computers and their accessories, photography supplies, books, sports equipment, games and toys, flowers, plants etc. (19% growth), and in stores selling pharmaceutical goods and cosmetics (14% growth).
In July, the growth rate of retail sales in grocery stores accelerated markedly. In May and June the retail sales of those stores increased 3–4% compared to the same month of the previous year, while in July the growth was 7%. The growth in the retail sales of grocery stores was influenced by the discount sales campaigns that took place in July and by the acceleration of the price decrease of food products. The annual price decrease of food products was 0.3% in June, but 2% in July.