Not surprisingly at all, as seen in today’s Postimees, local governments regard the Praxis study and education ministerial pressure to thin schools network as ignorance on local issues.
Own school matters. Defying the negative circumstances, it is fought for till the end. A schoolhouse is a sign, standing for regional traditions, customs, and pride.
Quite often, decision to close the beloved local school may trigger citizen activism, local people confronting the bigwigs from county centre or the very Tallinn arriving on the scene with their dry Excel table thinking.
And, at times, the fight might be noble and right, sometimes even successful. After all, people may miss it with fertility and migration predictions.
Even so, regrettably, for the main part the premises for Praxis study are correct, probably. In near future, the Estonian schools network is headed towards the cull, not growth. Sure: this won’t hit all at once, and there are the counties which, in the next several years, will be perhaps be spared the axe.
As National Audit Office did its 2013 study on state owned schools recent investments, it discovered that what costs the society most is bad decisions: lots of money is spent, including foreign investments to where there’s no real perspective. The same danger may lurk behind local governmental schools-decisions.