Should the deal with financiers, many months in the making, prove a reality, that would be quite a breakthrough. Up to now, the state enterprise’s dealings in Jordan and the United States have earned nothing but public criticism. This weekend, like many a time before, thousands of households sat in darkness, lighting a candle to probably repeat the well-worn accusations: with money to spare for projects abroad, when will they fix the lines at home?
According to Eesti Energia chairman Jüri Käo, news from Jordan might come this Thursday, as the company’s council is convened.
«Every time, at council meetings, we do get an overview by board of how things are; this Thursday, Jordan is on the agenda,» said he.
According to Mr Käo, construction and project design procurements are in their final stages, as well as financing deals with investors.
Building an oil shale power station in Jordan is like a big puzzle. Firstly, they needed to obtain concession and environmental permits to build. This summer, it came to six companies qualifying for construction procurements: two from China, three from Korea, and a French-Korean joint company.
Eesti Energia keeps its selection, from among the six, a tight secret. Also, a lot depends on whether they succeed in getting the finances for the offer made by the construction company chosen. In addition to banks, a share is to be given by Kredex-like agencies in the corresponding states.