
Traffic deaths down by third

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Photo: Martin Ilustrumm

Over first nine months of 2013, 49 people perished in Estonian traffic – a third less, year-on-year.

According to Police and Border Guard Board data, this year’s initial nine months have seen 967 accidents with human injuries; 49 lives were lost, injured persons amounted to 1,201. As compared to last year, all three counts are lower (2012 first nine months’ figures being 1,039 accidents with human injuries, 71 deaths and 1,309 persons injured).

In September, Estonia had 109 accidents with human injuries, causing seven deaths and leaving 129 people injured. In September 2012, the corresponding figures were 125, 7 and 161, respectively. 

11 accidents were caused, in September, by drunk drivers, with one death and 12 people injured.

Deaths due to fire are also significantly down as compared to last year with 28 deaths over nine months (36 last year).

In fire-related deaths, January and February have been the worst, this year, five people perishing in both months. April had four fire-deaths; March, May and September three; July and August two and June – one.

Cases of drowning, however, exceed last year’s toll by a fifth. During nine months, 48 people drowned (last year – 38). According to Rescue Board, not a single month has passed, this year, without anybody drowning. The most tragic month was August with 15 deaths by drowning.
