"While you can't draw fundamental conclusions based on data for one month, particularly a month as short as February, it has to be admitted on the basis of data for the three latest months that the eurozone, which is experiencing a recession, has started to tangibly affect the Estonian economy," Heido Vitsur, economist at LHV Pank, told BNS.
"If until November last year Estonia's exports grew at an altogether satisfactory rate, then the average export growth rate of 3 percent in the last three months and a 2 percent decline in February, combined with figures about industrial output growth, speak of more difficult times," Vitsur said.
Vitsur warned against early conclusions however, pointing at the big differences in the size of foreign trade in the three months. The volume of trade in January was unprecedented, whereas in December and February it was relatively modest, he said.
"Second, because in February the biggest decline was recorded in the group of goods that is the most volatile by nature -- that of mineral fuels, including electric energy. However, a more direct indicator of the deterioration of the competitive position of our exporters than fluctuations of a few percent in volumes is the fact that while export prices were somewhat lower [in February] than in February a year ago, on the domestic market all inputs tend to become constantly more expensive," Vitsur said. "Unfortunately, in a situation like this there are no grounds whatsoever to expect outlooks for export to improve in the coming few months, rather the other way round," he added.