According to the survey findings, 96 percent of the polled feel e-services have helped them save time, 93 percent said doing business has become more convenient and 87 percent were of the opinion that public e-services improve access to information.
Last year 99 percent of the polled entrepreneurs used the internet for conducting business. The most used government websites and e-service environments in 2011-2012 were the website of the Tax and Customs Board, state portal, e-tax/e-customs board, e-business register and company registration portal.
At the same time it appears that entrepreneurs are not very well informed about public e-services: only 34 percent of the polled judged themselves to be well or very well informed, 45 percent rated their level of information satisfactory and 18 percent said they did not know enough.
The proposals for improving public e-services mentioned most frequently lack of information and the need for a bettwe overview of the available services.