The fastest growth occurred in the private sector fields directed towards the domestic market, but the salary growth differences between various fields of activity were smaller than in previous quarters. Compared to the top figures of the boom period, i.e. those of the year 2008, the average salary of the 4th quarter was lower only in public management, education and other services. The salary increase of the 4th quarter was influenced by irregular bonuses and additional payments paid at the end of the year.
The salary increase of the last quarter of 2012 corresponded to the expectations of the Ministry of Finances. The salaries are forecasted to continue growing at a similar rate. Still, growth opportunities are limited for several fields, due to low availability of qualified specialists.
The latest developments are characterised by a significant decrease of the number of unskilled workers and an increase of the number of qualified employees. In the future, salary growth will also be supported by the low availability of qualified employees in several fields of activities.