The top destination countries of Estonia’s exports were Finland (26% of Estonia’s total exports), followed by Sweden (15%) and Latvia and Russia (both 8%). Estonia’s total exports were significantly influenced by the increase in the dispatches to Finland (up by 127%) compared to January 2012. At the same time, exports to the Netherlands and USA decreased. Transport equipment made up more than half of the value of the dispatches to Finland. Machinery and equipment were the main commodities exported to Sweden and beverages and spirits to Russia.
The main countries of consignment were Finland (23% of Estonia’s total imports), followed by Sweden (10%) and Germany (9%). Imports were mostly influenced by the increase in the arrivals from Finland and Russia (the growth rate 92% and 38%, respectively). There was a slight decrease in the arrivals of goods from Germany (down by 12%). Transport equipment was mostly imported from Finland, electrical equipment from Sweden and vehicles from Germany.
Estonia’s trade increased also on monthly basis. Compared to December, exports increased by 27% and imports by 4%. Without taking into account the non-recurrent big-volumed trade transactions with transport equipment, exports increased by 10%, but imports decreased by 5%.
According to Eurostat, the economic sentiment indicator, which reflects Estonia’s entrepreneurs’ and consumers’ confidence, improved both in January and February. In February, the same indicator improved, compared to the preceding month, among all the EU countries except Latvia, Luxembourg and United Kingdom.