Eesti Gaas, the company selling gas in Estonia, and the Finnish Gasum announced earlier this week that the best location for a regional LNG terminal is Inkoo on the northern shore of the Gulf of Finland. Both gas companies have the Russian energy giant Gazprom as a major shareholder.
The managers of Eesti Gaas subsidiary EG Võrguteenus and Gasum signed a respective agreement in Tallinn and informed the governments of both countries about it a short while ago. The companies' view is that since Finland has the biggest gas consumption levels of the four countries on the eastern rim of the Baltic Sea the new terminal ought to be located there.
The Balticconnector undersea gas pipeline to be built together with the LNG terminal should run from Inkoo to Paldiski, according to the two companies.
"Being independent of the present monopoly gas supplier is an unavoidable prerequisite for Estonia's support for the regional LNG terminal," Parts said. He said the importance of the project's not being dependent on any other party had been stressed on repeated occasions by EU member states as well as the EU Energy Commissioner Gunther Oettinger.
"The part of the agreement between the partially Gazprom-owned companies Gasum and EG Vorguteenus concerning Balticconnector is null and void because the government's approval is necessary for the establishment of cross-border connections," Parts said. He added that as far as the terminal project goes, Gasum and EG Võrguteenus have completely ignored the choice of location agreed between the countries that is based on objective criteria.