Most visits by Estonian residents were to countries in the European Union, and there were 13% more of them than in 2011, with a total of 2.9 million, of which more than one million were to Finland. The next most popular destination was Russia, which was visited 424,000 times, or 29% less than in the previous year. Other popular destinations that were visited more than 100,000 times by people from Estonia were Latvia, Sweden, Germany and Lithuania, and for the first time Poland and Norway.
Of all the visits made, 70% were for more than one day. Single day trips were mostly made to the neighbouring countries Russia, Finland and Sweden.
Eesti Pank uses the statistics about foreign travel in calculating exports and imports of travel services for the balance of trade figures. Preliminary estimates show that 947 million euros of travel services were exported in 2012 by foreign visitors buying goods and services in Estonia, which was 6% more than in the previous year. As the total number of foreign visitors grew by only 0.5%, this growth in exports came mostly from changes in the structure of foreign visitors between overnight and same-day visits, and between tourists from Russia and from the EU, and also from price rises in Estonia. Imports of travel services by Estonian residents purchasing goods and services abroad were preliminarily estimated at 607 million euros for 2012, which is 5% more than in 2011.