In a joint statement issued on Tuesday, the defense ministers of the Baltic states and Poland recommend withdrawing from the Ottawa Convention, which bans the use of anti-personnel landmines.
In a joint statement issued on Tuesday, the defense ministers of the Baltic states and Poland recommend withdrawing from the Ottawa Convention, which bans the use of anti-personnel landmines.
The ministers state in the joint declaration that the security situation in our region has significantly deteriorated since the ratification of the Ottawa Convention.
«Military threats to NATO member states bordering Russia and Belarus have significantly increased. In light of this unstable security environment marked by Russia's aggression and its ongoing threat to the Euro-Atlantic community, it is essential to evaluate all measures to strengthen our deterrence and defense capabilities. We believe that in the current security environment it is paramount to provide our defense forces flexibility and freedom of choice to potentially use new weapons systems and solutions to bolster the defense of the alliance's vulnerable eastern flank,» the statement reads.
Estonian Defense Minister Hanno Pevkur said in a press release that the joint statement by the four countries does not change the fact that, based on the military assessment of the commander of the Estonian defense forces, there is no need to adopt previously banned anti-personnel landmines for Estonia's national defense.
«Throughout the entire discussion on anti-personnel landmines, we have adhered to the principle that decisions regarding the Ottawa Convention should be made in solidarity and coordination within the region. At the same time, we currently have no plans to develop, stockpile, or use previously banned anti-personnel landmines. In acquiring military capabilities, we will continue to be guided by the needs and requests of the Estonian defense forces,» the minister explained.
«Of course, Estonia and our regional allies remain committed to upholding international humanitarian law and the protection of civilians, even after withdrawing from the Ottawa Convention,» he added.
Since the Ottawa Convention is an international treaty, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will coordinate the next steps of the withdrawal process in Estonia.
The Ottawa Convention prohibits signatory states from using, stockpiling, producing, and transferring anti-personnel landmines and requires their destruction. Estonia joined the convention in 2004.