Therefore, it is necessary to establish a NATO eastern border alliance that allows for the development of an independent and operational deterrence capability that does not depend solely on the political interests of major powers. The creation of a Baltic-Polish-Finnish security axis would not mean turning our backs on NATO, but rather strengthening the common striking force, including more effective regional cooperation in intelligence sharing, defense industry development, as well as joint military exercises.
NATO's fragile future
Why does Estonia need new forms of military cooperation? Europe has already started to look for new security solutions, which include the idea for a Nordic nuclear alliance. This reflects growing uncertainty about the future of NATO. According to some sources, the United States has already informed the allies of its intention to withdraw from participating in the planning of European military exercises. Nor do we have any reason not to take seriously signals that the US is considering the possibility of leaving the alliance. According to President Donald Trump, it is easier to deal with Russia than with Ukraine on ending the war, which deepens doubts about America's commitment to European security.
Moreover, the Baltic states have been excluded from two meetings in Paris and London, where many EU leaders were present. This clearly demonstrates that the security concerns of the Baltic states are not a priority for Europe's major powers, and our region's countries must take responsibility for strengthening their own defense capabilities. Although NATO's principle of collective defense applies, according to the treaty at least, we cannot rely solely on the hope that all allies will act swiftly and unanimously in a crisis situation. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen cooperation between the countries on NATO's eastern flank – Finland, the Baltic states, and Poland – both in strategic planning and at the operational level.