Of course, the usual suspects will now start to protest in unison. They will say that ignoring climate change today will bring disaster tomorrow. But what good is a carbon-neutral economy if it exists under, say, the reign of terror of the Chinese? What good is enduring expensive energy for a noble cause when the world order collapses into chaos? Prioritizing climate activism over strategic survival is a luxury that society cannot afford today.
That is why we are in the midst of a development where the dominant narrative of the West, and especially Europe, is changing. Economic hardship, energy crisis and geopolitical instability give the new narrative subheadings such as survival, security and the maintenance of some kind of well-being.
Some recent election results also suggest that among Western voters, climate rhetoric has begun to seem increasingly disconnected from reality, becoming more of a luxury for the elite than an urgent priority for struggling households.
Europe must understand that in the current environment, military strength, economic resilience and strategic deterrence are far more important than any climate summit promises. If we don't understand this, Putin, Xi and their ilk seem more than willing to remind us.