These resources operating in Estonia, which are unable to effectively protect themselves from Russian information attacks, provide a platform for many different Russian propaganda actors and directors operating in Estonia. For example, Oleg Besedin's FB group Tallinntsy (Таллиннцы) has over 50,000 members and his YouTube channel over 120,000 subscribers. Recently, an opportunity to circulate Kremlin propaganda narratives on this channel was given, for example, to Yaakov Kedmi – former head of the Israeli special services and an active participant in the programs of the propagandist Solovyov on Russian television. The title of the program was "The Broken Trough of Europe" (Разбитое корыто Эвропы) and it had 222,000 views in 16 hours.
A few days ago, Tetiana Montian, who represented the Kremlin's interests at a UN Security Council meeting, spoke on Besedin’s channel. She talked about how Western countries have ruined Ukraine, which garnered over 370,000 views.
Unfortunately, Estonian web police officers do not show sufficient and effective interest in commentators in Russian-language FB groups who actively support Russia's aggressive policy, mock Ukraine and its defenders, constantly humiliate Estonia and mock state symbols. And only a few civic activists, such as Larissa Nikolas from Narva or Daniil Kurakin from Tallinn, take a stand against Putin's "fifth column" in Estonian social networks. At the same time, they receive many threats, but I do not know how the police respond to this.
Yet, Estonia needs numerous units of “battle elves” capable of challenging the Kremlin’s bots, trolls and propagandists, especially now, when complex scenarios in the world have led to the activation of Russian special services on the information front. Tomorrow may be too late. After all, the one who wins the battle over mentality wins the war for the future.