«We, the people of Estonia, are few in number, but we are not a small nation. We have a unique language and culture, advanced knowledge and skills, a remarkable and distinguished history, and, most importantly, the right, will, ability, and wisdom to shape our own future. The military escalation we must forcefully address is once again more likely than hypothetical in our future and fate. But for now, we are still shaping our destiny ourselves,» Merilo said.
According to him, as a people capable of learning, the people of Estonia foresaw the arrival of dangerous times and, as a society, agreed that no matter when the danger appears, what form it takes, or how overwhelming it may seem, we will stand united against it.
«Our security policy aims to make any aggression impossible. To achieve this, you, dear people of Estonia, have entrusted us, the defense forces, with the task of preventing a military attack, and if that fails, to fight and win the war,» he added.
According to him, winning the war is not an empty slogan but a rational mathematical equation, where a country's resilience equals the product of all available resources, the will to fight, and the authority to use deadly force.