Over the years, RMK's discount wooden models have been favored at a higher level, despite many doubts and complaints.Photo: Shutterstock
Formanyyears, theCouncil of theStateForestManagementCentre (RMK), theMinistry and othersupervisorybodieshave looked theotherway at the sale of discountedtimber, whichtheStateComptrollerhasdeclaredillegal. At thesametime, selectedentrepreneurspocketedtens of millions.
Postimees asked Raul Kirjanen, theformer major owner of Graanul Invest, whethertheStateAudit'sdescription of thecircumstances of thesecretspecialagreementsconcluded with Kirjanen'scompanywastrue: «According to RMK, companiesinterested in investingfirstapproachedpoliticians, and fromtheretheycame to RMK with specificrequests. Concerningtheagreements with AS Graanul Invest, RMKexplainedduringthe audit proceduresthatRMKwasorallyinstructed by themanagement of theMinistry of theEnvironment to conclude a cooperationagreement with AS Graanul Invest and OÜ Osula Graanul, whichwasnotdocumented.»
Raul KirjanenPhoto: Madis Veltman
On behalf of Raul Kirjanen, Ants Nõmper, a lawyer at Ellex&Raidla, sent a letter to Postimees: «Afterreviewingthereport, RMKstatedthat it is stillunknownhowthecommunication with theMinistry and politicians took place and howinformationwasexchanged to supporttheconstruction of the AS Graanul Investfactories. Also, according to RMK, there is no basis to saythattheMinistryhad to giveinstructions to conclude a cooperationagreement. /.../ ThestatementaboutRMK and theNational Audit Office is nottrue and is a fiction.»
According to Nõmper, hisclientKirjanenhasdonenothingillegal.
RMKdidnot present convincingarguments
«As thepersonresponsiblefororganisingtimbersales, thechairman of theboard (Aigar Kallas - ÜH) alwaysaccompanied me to meetings with entrepreneursinterested in investing. That'swhythecooperationprotocolsresultingfromnegotiations with thechairmanbear my signature,» saysUlvarKaubi, RMK'stimbersalesmanager, whowill soon leavehis post.
It seemslogicalthatKaubiknewwhat he wasdoingwhen he signedthesecretagreements, whichthestateauditorcalledillegal and contrary to RMK'stimbersalesprocedure, and continued to sell timberbelow market price. Whenasked on whoseorders he haddonethis, Kaubiobjected: «It'snotlogical. Thequestioncontainsassumptions and journalisticbeliefs. As far as I know, I didnotcarryoutanyillegalorders, nordid I giveanyillegalorders to my subordinates.»
«I am sure that all therelevantdecision-makinglevels of RMKyou are askingaboutacted in accordance with thepowersgranted to them by law,» Kallas replied. «During my work at RMK, my onlywishwas to act on thebasis of theapplicablelegislation, thebestavailableknowledge and theinterests of theowner.» Kallas didnotmentionwhere he gottheinformationaboutthe «interests of theowner».
Andres Talijärv. Photo: Sille Annuk
ForestryGreyCardinal: I knewnothing
Andres Talijärv, thethenchancellor of theMinistry of theEnvironment and a member of theministry'scouncil, whohasbeendubbedthegreycardinal of forestry, and whomovedfromhisposition as CEO of theministry'sforestryassociation, claimedthat he knewnothingaboutthesecretagreements.
«Theseguidelinescertainlydidnotcomefrom us. It wastheir (theRMKboard's) agreementthatthey made such a decision. Theboard of RMKhad to make sure that all theruleswerefollowed.» Youdidn'tevenaskabouttheduration of thecontracts? «Of course I didn'task.» Whynot? «Butwhydid I have to ask?»
KeitPentus-Rosimannus (Reform Party), whowas Minister of theEnvironment at thetime of bothHorizon'soriginalcontract and Kirjanen'ssecretagreements, responded as follows: «Of course, Minister RMKdoesnotdraw up and agree on contracts and theirdetails.» Minister Heiki Kranich (Reform Party) made thesameclaim at thetime of thebirth of RMK'spermanentcontracts and theconclusion of thepreferentialcontract with Estonian Cell.
After Talijärv moved to head the Estonian PrivateForestryAssociation (2018), DeputyPrime Minister Marku Lamp was a member of RMK'scouncil and ledforestryissues in theministry, whoseinaction on theissue of RMK'ssustainabilitycontractshasbeenwrittenaboutmanytimes by Postimees.
«I am notaware of thedirectiveyou are referring to, and I consider it extremelyunlikely,» Lamp said, distancinghimselffromwhatwasdescribed in theNational Audit Office audit.
Illegality of secretpreferentialagreementsknownforyears
In connection with the pulp mill scandal (2018), themanagement of RMK, thecouncil and theministryreceived a representativelegalanalysis and audit, whichclearlydescribedthatsigningsecretlong-term agreements with selectedcompanies to sell timberbelowthe market price is prohibitedstateaid.
In January 2017, Est-ForInvest OÜ submitted a plan to build a billion-euro pulp mill in Tartu. Theplaninvolved Mati Polli, whowaschairman of theRMKcouncilbeforetheplanwas made public.
In September 2017, when Polli hadresignedfromthecouncil, it was said in thecouncilthatRMKwasready to sell half of all pulpwood to Est-For with a 15-yearcontract. Not at the Estonian market price, but at theNordic market price. Theminutes of the meeting do notmentionthatthesepriceswere a thirdlowerthan in Estonia (see graph).
Asked on whoseinstructionstheRMKmanagementdrew up theoriginaldraft of thecooperationagreement with Est-ForInvestiga, Kaubireplied: «Est-ForInvestapproachedtheGovernment of theRepublic with proposals and wishes, includingtheconclusion of a long-term contract.» However, in thisappeal (13.02.2017) there is no mention of theprice or theamount of wood.
ThesecretplanfortimbersalesbetweenEst-For and RMKwasrevealed in the Estonian television programme «Pealtnägija».
The programme featured a relieved Raul Kirjanen, who said of RMK'smanagers: «I believethattheythemselvesunderstandthat it is notreallyokay to givesuchgifts in theamount of tens of millions of euros» and «Thedevelopment of today'sbiotechnologywouldmake it possible to producehigh-qualityproducts on a muchsmallerscale and on a piece of land in a moreenvironmentallyfriendlyway.»
Lawyerswho «advisecompetitorsclaimingwoodrawmaterials» and «representcompaniescritical of the pulp mill» (Media) presented a legalassessment on the show, according to whichthe sale of discountedwood to Est-Forsmacked of prohibitedstateaid.
Theclosure of theEst-For pulp mill was in Kirjanen'sbusinessinterests, as Kirjanen's pellet millscompetedforthesamewood. Est-Forplanned to openits mill in 2020, whenKirjanen's last secretcontract to buydiscountedwoodfromRMKexpired.
Est-Forwouldthenreceivealmosttwice as much of thesametype of wood, earning a hypothetical 54 million euros fromthepricedifferencebetween Estonia and Sweden (see graph).
Postimees contactedmost of theRMKcouncillors at thetime and foundoutwhich of themhadleakedthedraftsecretagreement, whohadgiven it to them and whattheirmotiveswere. Withthepartiesinvolvedfuriouslydenyingeverything and threatening to sue, it is currently in thirdhandswhetherthecircumstances of thisdealwilleverbecomepublic.
ThepeoplebehindEst-Forhaven'tlet up
Despitethescandalthathadbrokenout, RMKdidnotwant to breakthedeal with Est-For. At theMarch meeting, Talijärv presentedthelegalassessment of thecontroversialletter of intentthatRMKhadcommissionedfromswornlawyer Indrek Lillo.
Kallas addedthatthelegalassessment shows thattheprotocoldoesnotviolatestateaid and competitionrules as long as thetimbersalescontract is notsigned. In otherwords, the sale of thetimber as plannedwouldviolatestateaidrules.
In May, Talijärv and Kallas said thattheworkingversion of theprotocol no longercontained a legalcontradiction. TheCouncilwasready to allowtheCommission to sign it.
Butcompetitorsthreatened to sueovertheEst-Fordeal. Environmentalists and residents of Tartu foughtagainsttheconstruction of the pulp mill because it wouldhavepollutedriver Emajõgi. Thegovernment ended thespecialplanforthe mill, and at the end of theyearEst-Forannouncedthat it wasabandoningthe pulp mill.
However, RMKresoldthetimber to othercompanies with long-term contracts. Thequestion of whetheranyonewasreceivingprohibitedstateaidwasstillopen.
At therequest of one of themembers of theRMKcouncil, RMKincludedtheworkplan of theinternal audit «Compliance of RMK'sTimberSalesArrangement with EuropeanUnionCompetitionLaw and StateAidRules».
Suchauditshadbeencarriedoutbefore and after. Aftereach audit, RMK'smanagementpromised to solve theproblemsmentioned, eliminatethe risk of corruption, etc. Thenexttime, and thenext, and thenext, it turnedoutthat, metaphoricallyspeaking, thedog's tail hadbeencutoff, hair by hair, and the sale of cheaptimbercontinued. Howwasthispossible - theauditsdidnotanalysetheactualtimbersalesprices.
Postimees articleattractstheattention of theState Audit Office
Afterthearticle «RMKsold 52 million euros of woodcheaperthantheauctionprices» waspublished in Postimees (5.01.2022), RMKordered some morelegalassessments and twointernalaudits. Eventhough it wasalreadyknown at thattimethattimberhadbeensold at a lowerpricethantheauctionpricesunderpermanentcontracts, and thequestionwaswhowasbeingaudited if it wascheap. In response to theminister'squestion as to whetherthe sale of timberunderpermanentcontractswasreallyharmful to the Estonian state, the audit answeredthat it wastheaddedvalue of thetimbersector. YokoAlender (Reform Party), then a member of theRMKCouncil and now Minister of Climate, said at theRMKCouncil meeting thatshewasnot in favour of issuing a press releaseabouttheresults of the audit, and theresultswerekeptsecret.
However, followingthe Postimees articles, theNational Audit Office launched an audit to investigateRMK'stimbersales.
Yoko Alender Photo: Madis Veltman
The Minister deceivedParliament
On 30 June 2024, therulingcameintoforce, according to whichRMK'slong-term contracts are publicinformation. In mid-July, thestate audit waspublished, theresults of whichwerediscussed by theRMKcouncil on 18 September. It turnedoutthattheRMKmanagementhadorderedtheongoingstateaidanalysisonlyforexpiredtimber sale contracts, withoutdiscussing it in thecouncilbeforehand.
However, Minister AlendergaveMPs and thegeneralpublictheimpressionduring a briefing to the Estonian Parliament on 6 November that an independent audit wouldclarifywhetherRMKhaduntilrecentlysoldtimber with permanentcontractsbelowthe market price, which is prohibited as stateaid.
«If thisanalysis shows thatstateaidhasbeengiven, then we havethepossibility to turn to theEuropeanCommissionforthenextsteps, and RMK is theinstitutionthat, if it turnsout to be stateaid, canalsorecovertheseamountsfromthestate,» she said.
Thesameimpressionwasgiven by theparliament'sspecial anti-corruptioncommittee and thespecialcommitteeforthecontrol of thestatebudget, thedeputychancellor of theMinistry of theEnvironment, Antti Tooming, and the head of RMK, Mikk Marran.
According to thelaw, thestateitselfhasthreeyears to reclaimillegalstateaid, and theEuropeanCommissionhastenyears.
Minister Alenderprobablyknewthat he wassettingtheparliament up for a fall, and thatnothingcould be demandedfromanyone as a result of thisanalysis. Morethantenyearshave passed sincethecontracts in questionweresigned.
DidAlenderdeliberatelydeceivetheparliament? Postimees askedAlenderwhy he had made such a statement. Alenderdidnotanswer, butcommunicationsadvisorMarionLeetmaareplied: «Youhavemisinterpretedwhatwas said in theparliament and theadditionalspeculation is nottrue.»
LawenforcementofficialsknewaboutthesuspicionssurroundingRMK'stimberbusinessyearsago, butfailed to investigateevenwhenthe anti-corruptionlawcouldhavesealedthepartiesmuchmoretightly.
ThequestionablelinksbetweenRMK'sdiscounttimberbusiness and top officials and politicianscame to theattention of lawenforcement, if notbefore, thencertainlyduringthe pulp mill scandal in 2017-2018.
People with a natureconservationbackgroundwhohadfollowedthe pulp mill saga (thenames are known to Postimees - ÜH) went to Estonian InternalSecurity Service to talk abouttheirconnections. Later, theyalsocommunicated with thestaff of thePublicProsecutor's Office and theCentralCriminalInvestigationDepartment. Thosewhospokerecalledthatalthoughnothinghadexpired at thattime, thelawenforcementofficerslistened to theinformation and thendidnotcontactthemagain.
However, somethinghappened: in June 2018, at thesametime as thegovernmentdecided to end thespecialplanningforthe pulp mill, thechancellor of theMinistry of theEnvironment, Andres Talijärv, resigned to becomethe head of the Estonian PrivateForestryAssociation.
Strangely, Talijärv claimedthat he onlyfoundoutabout Graanul Invest'scontractsafterthestate audit, althoughtheyhadbeendiscussedseveraltimes in theRMKCouncilduringthepreparation of theEst-Forcontract.
Talijärv retiredfromtheprivateforestrycompany in September 2021 - a fewmonthsafter Postimees startedaskingRMKfordata on thelong-term contracts.
Theinterest of thelawyerswasrenewed in 2022 afterPostimees'srevealingarticles on thesignificantpricedifferences of timbersold at auction with durationcontracts.
According to therecollection of a personwhowent to discussthisissue at thecorruptionunit of theCentralCriminalPolice, theinvestigatorhadcomplainedthat it wasdifficult to find evidence. Thesameinvestigatorhadexpressed a keen interest in revisitingtheissuethis summer, immediatelyafterthepublication of theState Audit, buthaddisappearedlike a puff of smokebeforethe meeting.
TheNational Audit Office's audit didnotchangehis mind
TheStateAuditor, JanarHolm, foundthatRMKhadbrokenthelaw by sellingtimberbelowthe market price and at a specialprice to selectedcompanieswithoutanyapparentjustification.
Estonian InternalSecurity Service, which is responsiblefordealing with corruptionoffencescommitted by seniorstate and localgovernmentofficials, refused to opencriminalproceedings. Theprosecutor'sofficepromised to look intothematter, butgave up afteronlytwoweeks.
Marek Soomaa, ChiefProsecutor of theDistrictProsecutor's Office forEconomicCrimes and Corruption, arguedthattherewasnotenoughinformation in theState Audit Office's audit. At thesametime, theprosecutor'sofficedidnotasktheNational Audit Office aboutthe audit beforemakingitsdecision, theNational Audit Office confirmed to Postimees.
Estonian InternalSecurity Service and theCentralCriminalInvestigationDepartmentannouncedthatthehugeprofits of certaincompanies, nowpublished in Postimees, didnotmakethemchangetheirpreviouspositions.
ConsideringthattheRMK'spreferentialtimberdealshavecauseddamage to thestate and profitedcompanies, why is it notpossible to suspect some top officials of corruption?
«We understandthatwhen we see injustice, we want to holdsomeoneaccountable,» replied Marta Tuul on behalf of the Estonian InternalSecurity Service. «Estonian InternalSecurity Service cannotgive an assessment of theMinistry'sactivity or lack of activity if there is no specificreference to thecrime. An unfavourabletransactioncannot be a crime. A charge of corruption must be based on some activity. Forexample, a bribewasgiven or some otherbenefitwasreceivedfortheserviceprovided.»
Soomaa said thatthecomposition of thecrime is onlyfulfilled if thecrimecauseddamage of morethan 40,000 euros.
However, according to thegraphspublished in Postimees, in the last fiveyearsalonewoodwassold to ninecompanies at a discount of 19.3 million euros compared to the market price at thesametime. Whydoes Soomaa thinkthatthedamage is lessthan 40,000 euros?
«ThePublicProsecutor's Office doesnothaveanyinformationthatwouldallow it to say with certaintythatthetransactionsyoumentionhavecauseddamage to RMK. Thearticlegives a view of thestatistics, butnot a confirmation of possibledamagethat is considered in terms of criminallaw,» says Soomaa.
When Postimees pointedoutthemisunderstanding of thearticle, Soomaa didnotwant to addanythingmore. However, he hadanother argument fornotaddressingtheissue: «What'smore, in order to confirmthedamage, it must be takenintoaccountthat it wascaused as a result of someone'sunauthorised and deliberateaction. At the moment, based on theinformationavailablefrompublicsources, it appearsthatRMKhasimproveditsworkprocessesovertime, whichconfirmsthatthepreviousactivitywasbased on thebestknowledge at that moment and not on someone'smaliciousdesire to causedamage.»
Soomaa alsodidnotanswerthequestion in whatcase, according to theProsecutor's Office, theactionwould be «inadmissible and intentional», becauseRMK'smanagementcouldnotaccidentallysetwoodpricesforcompanies.
Sometimesyoucan, sometimesyoucan't
«Criminalproceedingscannot be opened to look forcrimes,» Soomaa emphasised. However, suchviewshavenotalwaysbeen an obstacle. Themostcolourfulexample is theongoingtrial of formerdeputymayor of Tartu Priit Humal (Isamaa party) and Bigbankowner Parvel Pruunsild. At thecentre of theallegations is a house in Tartu thatCorp! Sakala, close to Pruunsild, bought at a publicauctionfor 1.2 million euros from Riigi Kinnisvara AS (thestate real estatecompany).
Amongotherthings, thetrialrevealedthatthe Estonian InternalSecurity Service hadbeenfollowing Tõnis Rebbas, the head of thelegaldepartment at Riigi Kinnisvara AS, simplybecause he was a friend of Pruunsild, and althoughnothingillegalwasultimatelyfound, the man losthisjob as capo.
If the Estonian lawenforcementauthoritiesessentiallyrefuse to investigatetheissue of illegalstateaid, whichhascausedthesuffering of companiesthatdidnotreceivediscountedtimberfromRMK, the latter havethepossibility to appeal to thecourt or directly to theEuropeanCommission.