The State Forest Management Centre (RMK) has sold pulpwood and firewood to nine companies for more than 40 million euros below the market price over a period of ten years. RMK denies this, claiming that it has always sold wood at the market price.
An investigation is underway to determinewhetherRMKgaveillegalstateaid to Graanul Invest's pellet mills and Estonian Cell by sellingthemwoodcheaperthanothercompaniesthroughsecretagreements. According to thesalesdataprovided by RMK, thesecompaniesreceived a total of morethan €23 millionfrompulpwood and firewooddeals with RMK in theyears 2011-2024, compared to the market prices at thesametime.
In addition, theHorizon pulp and paper mill in Kehra receivedmorethaneightmillion euros, some companiesreceivedsmalleramounts and twoforeigncompanies paid RMKmorethanthe market price.
Thisarticlehasanalysedonlyonefifth of RMK'stimbersales. Howmuchthecompaniesthatboughtexpensivelogspocketed as a result of thediscountdealswill be revealed in thefuture. An analysis by thenewspaper Postimees in 2022 showedthat in just fiveyearsRMKhadsoldtimber with permanentcontracts at a mathematicaldiscount of 52 millioncompared to theauctionprices of thesameperiod. Postimees' analysistriggered a state audit thatrevealedsecretcontracts and pricesthatvaried by up to 40 percentfordifferentcompanies. Postimees fought in courtfor all RMK'stimbersalesinformation to be made public. As a result, we obtainedfromRMKthepreviouslysecretinformationabouttheprice at whichRMKsoldtimber to certaincompanies.
RMK: We havealwayssoldtimber at market price!
RMKinsiststhat it hasalwayssoldtimber at the market price and that it hasnotengaged in illegalprice-fixing. However, an audit published by theNational Audit Office in July shows theopposite. According to StateAuditorJanarHolm, RMKhasbrokenthelaw. RMK'ssales of timber to differentcompanies with largepricedifferences are not in line with market logic.
Thepublication of theprices of RMK'slong-term contractsthisyearprovedtwothings: thepricedifferencebetweenthecompaniesdisappeared, and theconvergence of theprice of firewood to a levelslightlyhigherthantheprivateforest and auctionpricesshowedthatwhendemand is greaterthansupply, the so-calledwholesaleprice is moreexpensivethanthe so-calledretailprice, notcheaper. Amongotherthings, transport costsincreasetheprice - themorewoodthefactorywants, thefurther it has to be transported. Heiki Hepner (Isamaa Party), head of OÜ Tark Mets, whichanalyseslargeprivatetimbertransactions, confirmedthis to Postimees (see separatestory).
At thesametime, RMK, forexample, continues to sell pulpwood at below-market prices with long-term contracts, claimingthatthehypotheticalcost of transportingthewood to ports can be deductedwhenselling it to mills (pulpwood is oftenboughtforexport).
In order to determinetheexactimpact of transport costs, calculationswouldhave to be made usingdatafromRMK'sthousands of intermediatewarehouses by forest, transport prices and destination, whichwould be an analysisfor a PhDthesis. Therefore, thecalculationshere are basedonly on the market price of wood.
Graanul Invest'swindfallonlythetip of theiceberg
AmongRMK'stimbersalesagreementshighlighted in thisyear's audit by theNational Audit Office, thetwosecretagreements with Graanul Investhavereceivedthemostattention, theconclusion of which, according to theNational Audit Office, evencontradictedRMK'sowntimbersalesprocedure, letalonethelaw. According to RMK, all timbertransactionswerelegal. «Theindependent audit is currentlyunderway, so we cannotcomment on thisissue,» repliedJaanoHaidla, CEO of Graanul Invest.
In theyears 2013-2024, thefourcompanies of the Graanul InvestgroupreceivedtimberfromRMKfor a total of morethanfivemillion euros belowthe market price. Theeffect of thetwosecretagreementswill be mostvisible in 2017-2018, whenothercompanieswillhave to paymoreforwood, butRMKwillhavefixedthepricesfor Graanul Invest and Osula Graanul (see graph).
Butthis is just thetip of theiceberg. An important part of thesecretagreementswasRMK'sobligation to supply Graanul Invest and Osula Graanul with a largequantity of wood, certainly in theform of firewood, which is thecheapesttype of roundwood. Whether and to whatextentRMKcouldhavesoldmoreexpensivepulpwoodunderthelabel of firewood in order to fill thepermittedvolume is impossible to determine with thebenefit of hindsight.
RMK'swoodsalesmanager and Graanul Invest spinning
WhenaskedwhyRMKhadpreviouslysoldtimberbelow market price to both Graanul Invest and severalothercompanies, RMK'stimbersalesmanagerUlvarKaubidescribedthecurrentsituation: «RMKsellswood at thepricesofferedunderconditions of freecompetition. Companiesthatbuywood on thebasis of sustainabilitycontractsaccountforabout 90 percent of thetotalvolume of the Estonian forestindustry. Whenthesecompaniescompete with eachother, theyadapt to thepricelevelthey are willing to pay to securethevolume of wood.» Commenting on thepreviouspreferentialcontracts, he said: «Theselong-term contracts, which are differentfromtheothers, werealsoconcludedunder market conditions with a pricemechanism (correlation with consumerprices). Naturally, duringthe term of thecontract, therewereperiodswhenthepricewasmore or lessdifferentfromthepricecorridorthatsubsequentlyemerged on the market.»
It wasnotpossible to getanswersfromtheformerowner of Graanul Invest, Raul Kirjanen, aboutthepurchase of wood. «We don'thaveanyinformation to compareourprices with,» repliedthecompany'sCEOHaidla, althoughthequestionincludedreferences to bothprivateforestprices and RMK'sauctionprices.
A goodfriend of theRMKmanageralsogot a goodprice – a coincidence?
Horizon, part of Singapore'sTolaramGroup, whichproducespackagingpaper and pulp in Kehra, hasbenefitedfromRMK'swooddiscounts to thetune of morethaneightmillion euros over a 12-yearperiod. In addition, Horizonreceivedonemillioncubicmetres of wastewoodfromRMK at half or even a third of theprice.
Afterdisclosure of thelong-term contracts, HorizonpaysRMKaboutfour euros morethanthe market pricefor a solidmetre of spruce and pinepulpwood. As thequantities are large, this is likely to be due to transport costs. In otherwords, theearlierwinwasprobablymuchbigger.
KaubiacknowledgesthatHorizon'spreviouscontractshavebeendamaging to thestate: «Therehavebeenlosses in thepast, especially with thecontracts of twolocal pulp mills (Kehra and Kunda)» (RMKCouncil Meeting Minutes 20/09/2018).
Tolaram'slong-timemanagerSonnyAswani and RMK'sformermanagerAigar Kallas are goodfriends and oftenposeforpicturestogether. On the 75th anniversary of the Kehra paper mill (2013), thethen Minister of EconomicAffairs and Communications Juhan Parts (Isamaa) joinedthem.
In the middle of the photo, Sonny Aswani, the representative of the owner of Horizon Cellulose and Paper AS, on the right, the former head of RMK, Aigar Kallas, and the then Minister of Economy, Juhan Parts, can also be seen in the photo (2013).Photo: Veiko Tõkman / Äripäev / Scanpix
WhenaskedwhetherthefactthatAswani and Kallas are goodfriendsplayedanyrole in getting a favorablepricefromRMK, bothdidnotanswer.
Aswanicommented: «Each and every companynegotiatesthebusinessagreements on itsown. Horizon Tselluloosi ja Paberi AS (Horizon)'s field of activity and rawmaterialneeds are unique in theBaltics, as we are theonlysackkraftpaperproducer in theregion, exportingourproducts to morethan 70 countries. Horizon, whichemploysabout 330 people, exportsonlyfinishedproducts, i.e. sackkraftpaper, and in additionpaperbags made from it, thusaddingconsiderablevalue to Estonian timber. ThecontractsthatHorizonhasnegotiated and concludedforthesupply of rawmaterialshavemettheneeds of ourcompany.»
Evendiscountedwooddidnothelp Estonian Cell'sbottomline
In contrast to thefive-yearcontracts of othercompanies, Estonian Cell, whichproduceswoundwood pulp, had a 15-yearcontract with RMK (2006-2021). ThecompanyreceivedaspenpulpwoodfromRMK at a pricelowerthanthealreadyagreed market price: initiallyhalftheaverageprice of sprucepulpwoodsold by RMK in thepreviouscalendaryear, plus transport costs. Thiswasalmost a quarterlessthanthe market price.
According to theaveragedelivery point pricesrecorded in theNational Audit Office's audit, Estonian Cellgained a total of morethan 18 million euros compared to the market price in theyears 2011-2021.
Companydirector Siiri Lahe didnotcomment on thepriceagreement. «In 2023, theannual loss of thefactory at the end of theyearwasmorethan 12 million euros, so there is no reason to talk aboutunjustifiedprofit,» sheassessed. «Estonian Cell'shighcostbasehasbeen a problemsincetheplant'sinception. Beforetheenergycrisis, we made a profitwithin a fewyears.»
Themainreasonfor Estonian Cell'sdifficulties is thehighprice of electricity, notwood.
Amongthecompaniesthatorderedwoodforexport to the ports, BillerudKorsnäs Eesti and Holmen Mets receivedthewoodslightlycheaperthanthe market price, for 0.3-0.4 million euros overtheyears. Lignator Logistika pocketed EUR 3.7 million and MetsäForest Eesti EUR 3.2 million. However, SCA Metsad paid RMK 0.6 millionmorethanthe market price and StoraEnso Eesti 0.7 million.
Forexample, at thesametimeRMKdeliveredbirchpulpwood to BillerudKorsnäs and StoraEnso at thesame port with a pricedifference of 12 euros (97.28-109.40 euros perdensemetre). Kaubididnotrecognisetheunequaltreatment of thecompanies: «If there are severalbuyers at thesameplace of delivery, theclassicauctionprincipleapplies, in whichcase, whenthequantity with thehigherprice is filled, thebidderwhohas made thenextbestbidforthenextquantitywins.»
Thecompaniesthemselvesdidnotrespond to a requestforcomment.
Postimees analysedtheprices of paper and firewoodsold to 11 companies, representingabout a fifth of RMK'swoodsalesrevenue. About 90 RMKmoreexpensivewoodsold to thesustainabilitycontract partner hasnotyetbeenanalysed.
As described by Heiki Hepner, themanager of OÜ Tark Mets, whichconductstimber market assessmentsforthe Estonian PrivateForestryAssociation, thetimberpurchasetransactions on whichtheassessments are based are relativelysimilar to RMK'spubliclong-term contracts and timbersalesauctions. RMKdoesnotrecognisethis.
«Largercompanies - sawmills, pellet mills, companiesthatexportpulpwoodfromthe port, etc. - setveryspecificprices at whichtheybuywoodfromprivateownersthroughthecentralcooperative Eramets or the Estonian TimberSalesCentre,» saysHepner, referring to largerquantities at agreeddeliverytimes. «In thecase of RMK, theprice is based on veryspecifictransactions. Ourweightedaveragepricecannot be calculated as a percentage, but it is close. Theoffers are real and are followed by purchasetransactions.»
According to Hepner, theprice of wood is usuallyhigherforlargevolumesthat are agreed in advance, as thisensuresefficiencyfortheprocessor.
RMKclaimsthat it is natural to havelowerpricesforpermanentcontracts, althoughthey are currentlyhigherthanprivateforestpricesforcertainassortments, such as firewood.
Duringtheperiod of secrecy, untilthe end of 2023, companiesboughtwoodfromRMK with durationcontracts at a pricedifference of up to 40 percent. According to UlvarKaubi, head of RMK'swooddistributiondepartment, theinstability of theeconomicenvironment and thesearchfornewsupplychainscausedthelargepricefluctuations in 2022, forexample. «In 2024, on theotherhand, priceshaveleveledoffagain and remainedlargelystable,» he said. «Thetradesecretsthatcompaniesused to keep are no longerrelevant.»
Unfortunately, thepriceshearswerealsocontinuousbefore 2022 (see graph).
JaanoHaidla, CEO of Graanul Invest, said thattheprice of term contractscannot be compared with theprice of spotsales. «There are periodswhentheprice of thedurationcontractcan be morefavourablethanthe market price at a certain point in time, butalsotheopposite, whentheprice of thedurationcontract is higherthanthe market price at a certain point in time,» he noted. «The market priceshould be considered as thepricenext to the so-calledlowprice (suchdata is onlyavailableforRMKWood - Ü.H.). Otherpricesinclude transport costs, whichmakesthepricesincomparable.»
As largercompaniesbuywoodfrombothRMK and privateforestcentres, thepurchaseprices are broadlycomparable. Sincewastewoodhasbeenexcludedfrom Targa Metsa'sprices, thesamehasbeendoneforRMK'slong-term contractprices to improvecomparability.
Taking all theaboveintoaccount, thisarticlehascomparedRMK'spermanentcontractprices with the market price (themathematicalaverage of theprivateforestprice and RMKauctions (if therewereauctionsduringtheperiod), otherwiseonly with theprivateforestprice). Instead of thecurrentprice, theaverageprice of thefirsthalf, third and fourthquarter is used. Thepricegain is calculatedfor 12 years, in thecase of the Estonian cellfor 14 years.
Mikk MarranPhoto: Sander Ilvest
CEO of the RMK Mikk Marran:
RMK sells wood in stages, taking the maximum the market is willing to offer at any given time. I do not agree with the premise that the price thus obtained is not the market price, nor with the conclusions that have already been drawn.
RMK is always open to good suggestions. We have continuously updated the sales guide and the methodology for term contracts. The new RMK Board's policy is to make the relationship with duration contracts as transparent and comprehensible as possible, and to treat entrepreneurs equally. Last month, for example, changes were made to the organisation of permanent contract sales in line with the recommendations of the National Audit Office.
RMK accounts for about a third of the local timber market, and we have a very precise overview of our own transactions - who has received goods, how much and at what price. Every sales decision at every stage of the contract is preceded by a cold calculation and decision by an IT application developed with the help of TalTech.
National Audit Office audit reveals RMK's secret timber discount deals
The audit published by the National Audit Office in July confirmed Postimees' research that the State Forest Management Centre (RMK) has been selling timber with duration contracts below the market price in violation of the law and has favoured certain companies with secret agreements, causing large financial losses to the state.
According to the analysis of the State Audit for 2017-2022, RMK sold timber with permanent contracts at prices up to 30 per cent lower than public auction prices on an annual basis.
The analysis showed that, in general, a customer who bought a larger amount of wood did not get a lower price from RMK, nor did a customer who bought a smaller amount of wood get a higher price, as is common in wholesale sales by private companies.
The National Audit Office found that the same assortment of timber (e.g. pine logs or pulpwood) was sometimes purchased more than twice at different prices by customers with different duration contracts.
RMK claims that long-term contracts are necessary to support the Estonian timber industry. However, the price reductions also apply to wood sold to Estonian companies, i.e. RMK has favoured some Estonian companies over other Estonian companies buying the same wood.
In the opinion of the State Audit Office, RMK has unjustifiably and unequally treated its long-term contract partners and, in addition, has concluded secret preliminary agreements for the sale of forest material with at least three unknown companies, for which there was no legal basis.
RMK explained during the audit that RMK was orally instructed by the management of the Ministry of the Environment to conclude a cooperation agreement with AS Graanul Invest and OÜ Osula Graanul, which was not documented.
«After reviewing the report, RMK stated that it is still unknown how the communication with the Ministry and politicians took place and how information was exchanged to support the construction of AS Graanul Invest's factories,» the National Audit Office said. «There is not a single decision or other document from the management of RMK. The only document is an agreement signed by the head of the timber distribution department [Ulvar Kaubi].»
The Forestry Act explicitly prohibits the sale of state forest timber below market price. The head of RMK, Mikk Marran, replied to the National Audit Office that the National Audit Office's opinion that the prices of permanent contracts did not correspond to normal value was incorrect. RMK also felt that the audit should have analysed more thoroughly how the duration contracts had affected the stability of the timber market.
When the National Audit Office asked for analyses that would confirm that the sale of timber with an agreed price and duration contracts had made the timber market more stable, RMK did not provide them. Instead, Marran replied that the National Audit Office should have analysed and demonstrated whether RMK's chosen method of entering into fixed-price, permanent contracts was the best way to stabilise the timber market.
What is a long-term contract?
RMK signs a five-year long-term contract with a company that meets the requirements of the manual (no debt, employee salary at least 70% of the sector average, etc.).
70 per cent of the forest material is made available to the holders of the sustainability contracts as a conditional quantity.
The conditional guaranteed quantity is calculated by RMK using a formula.
RMK concludes price agreements three times a year (for 6 + 3 + 3 months).
At the beginning of 2024, 85 companies are buying wood with sustainability contracts.
RMK sells 85 per cent of its roundwood assortment, 65 per cent of fuelwood and paper pulp under long-term contracts.