The Hayat Tahrir al-Sham group has been fighting with lower intensity around Aleppo throughout 2024. Firing at positions of the Syrian government forces in Aleppo province on January 1, 2024. (AFP))Photo: OMAR HAJ KADOUR
The fighting in Syria is fragmenting the forces there.
Hayat Tahrir al-Sham is a terrorist organization.
The developments in Syria are not positive.
Fighting in thecivilwarhasbrokenoutagain in Syria, mainlynearthe major city of Aleppo. Who is theoppositionthatstartedthefighting and whocouldbenefitfrom it, writes Erkki Koort, securityexpert at Postimees and the Estonian Academy of SecuritySciences.
Rebelsled by theextremistgroupHayatTahrir al-Shambegan an offensiveagainstAleppo last week, and on December 2, it becameclearthatgovernmentforces no longercontrolthecity. It is claimedthattherebels are advancingtowardIdlib and intoruralareas of theneighboringprovince of Hama, alsomovingtowardthecity of Hama. Additionally, they are securingsurroundingareas to ensuretheretention of thecapturedterritories.
Foto: Light from an explosion in Damascus during an Israeli attack in August 2021.Photo: Photo: CHINE NOUVELLE/SIPA/CHINE NOUVELLE/SIPA
According to reports, governmentforcesestablished a fortifieddefensivelinenorth of Hama, whiletheSyrian Air Force and theRussiansbombardedareasheld by therebels, killing about 400 rebels. Independentobservershaveconfirmedthedeaths of this number of civilians.
Israel'spositionsincethebeginning of thecivilwarhasbeenverysimple: themorethey kill eachother in Syria, theeasier it is for Israel.
According to thelatestreports, Moscowhasbegun to evacuateitsdiplomatsfromDamascus.
Who are they?
HayatTahrir al-Sham is not a newcomer, but it haspreviouslyremained in theshadow of larger or morebrutalorganizations. Thenamecan be translated as the «OrganizationfortheLiberation of the Levant.» The Levant is a territorythat includes Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Israel.
Theorganization is believed to havebeenformed in 2017, butits roots are muchdeeper. HayatTahrir al-ShamsplitfromJabhat al-Nusra, an organizationthatused to be part of Al-Qaeda's so-called terror bloc. In fact, it is notalwayspossible to drawclearlines, as theyhavecontinued to cooperate with the so-calledparentorganizations at differenttimes, buttherehavealsobeenmutualattacks and arrests. These are believed to be due to internal power struggles and thesplinterorganization'sattempt to present itself as a strongindependentplayer.
Sincefoundation, theyhavebeenmainlyactive in theSyriancivilwar, with themostactiveattacks in 2017-2018. Afterthat, theirmomentumsloweddown a bit, butessentiallythecivilwar, too, was in a frozenstate with no major changessince 2020.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has already confirmed his support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Meeting in the Kremlin in July 2024. Sputnik via REUTERSPhoto: Valeriy Sharifulin
It is a terrorist movementthatcountsSyria, Russia and theUnitedStates as itsenemies. In theirstatements, itsleadershaveemphasizedthedesire to conquerDamascus, but «if Allah allows, to alsomove on Jerusalem.»
Simplyput, it wasnotbeneficialforSyria, Russia, or Iran. BothRussia and Iran havealreadyexpressedsupportforDamascus. Benefithasmainlybeentalkedabout in thecontext of Ukraine, as it forcesRussia to splititsfocus and forces.
HayatTahrir al-ShamsplitfromJabhat al-Nusra, an organizationthatused to be part of Al-Qaeda's so-called terror bloc.
Iran'sForeign Minister AbbasAraghchistatedthatthecurrentsituationhasbeencaused by theUnitedStates and Israel, whichthe US quicklyrejected. The US role in this is indeedquitequestionable, as thecurrentadministrationwouldnothaveapproved of this. Israel meanwhilehasboththeinterest and thecapability to escalatethesituation.
First, Israel'spositionsincethebeginning of thecivilwarhasbeenverysimple: themorethey kill eachother in Syria, theeasier it is for Israel. Second, the terrorist groupHezbollahhasbeenactivelyinvolved in theSyriancivilwar. Israel is fighting it in Lebanon, and itsfragmentation is goodfor Israel militarily. Hezbollahhasbeen in chaossincethe pager and radioblasts, and every additionalblowwould fragment it.
Third, thenewsituation is a challengefor Iran. A hybrid or proxywar is beingwagedbetween Israel and Iran, and thelatestconflict is forcing Iran to reassessitsoptionsforsupportingHamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and theHouthirebels in Yemen. Thiswillnotstop Iran, butwillconfuse it and force it to fragment itsactivitiesmore.
Fourth, Israel is interested in reducingRussia'sinfluence in theregion. Thereasonforthisinterest is not a desire to supportUkraine, butratheritsownsecurityinterests. Moscow intervened in theSyriancivilwar in 2015, whichled to a flood of refugees to Europe, but Israel alsolostitsairsuperiorityfor a while. TheRussian Air Force and airdefensesbrought to theregiondidnotallow Israel thefreedom it hadenjoyedearlier.
Hayat Tahrir al-Sham militants in Syria in 2019.Photo: / AP
Theremoval of launchequipmentfromSyriadue to thewar in Ukraineallowed Israel to immediatelybegindestroyingSyrian and Iraniantargets. Russia'sability to interfere with Israel'soperationshasdiminished, but Israel is interested in nothavingthem in Syria at all. Thiswouldallow it to be evenmorefree in itsactions.
In conclusion, HayatTahrir al-Sham is definitelynot an ally of Israel and is notacting at Israel'sbehest. However, it is likelythat Israel is at leastpartiallyinvolved in thecurrentescalation, because it is extremelybeneficial to them. It allows to reduce pressure, confusetheadversary and force it to choosewhichsituation to deal with as a matter of priority.
Theactions of HayatTahrir al-Shamlikelyprovide some relief to both Israel and Ukraine, buttheadvancement of a terrorist organization is certainlynot a positivedevelopment.
Undoubtedly, Russiadoesnotwant to leaveSyria, but as long as it is notpossibleforthem to easilyremoveequipmentfromthewar in Ukraine, choices must be made. It is certainthatDamascus, Moscow, and Tehran are all looking for a wayout of thecurrentsituation.