Although the amounts were not large, the principles of activity-based budgeting should certainly require asking how giving money away affects the respective goals and results of the ministry. Such information cannot be found in the explanatory memorandum and may not be found elsewhere either.
The National Audit Office said that this shows once again that financing decisions are still made at the level of both ministries and the government by debating about traditional expenditure lines, for example, operating expenses or objects of investments, and not on the basis of the state's objectives and metrics. The problem with the implementation of the activity-based budget so far is its weak link with practical life and decision-making. Decisions in the state budget are prepared on activity-basis, but all of the preceding budget process, work and disputes are still based on traditional expenditure lines such as operating expenditure, investments, support, etc. In other words -- in reality, the debate is about the salaries of teachers, not about the objectives and expected results of the performance area «Smart and Active Nation».
Preparing the state budget in the self-regulatory way it is done now would mean unreasonable use of money, unnecessary work for the state, expenses and lost opportunities to motivate state institutions to efficiency. In order to use money more efficiently, it would be reasonable for the Riigikogu to rethink and decide, what kind of information it needs to discuss the state budget, what principles should be followed and the level of detail to which the government will be establishing limits on the use of money, and what kind of information prevails when budget choices are made. The government should demand this information from the Ministry of Finance and areas of government, and use it for decision-making.