Those advocating an increase in the population say Russian women should give birth as often as possible, preferably to more boys, to replenish the ranks of the Russian army. That is why members of parliament from Russian regions are proposing to ban abortion and contraceptives or to sell condoms with holes. A proposal has been made to introduce a ban on abortions for women aged 16 to 60. According to the initiators of the ban, if a pensioner could get pregnant, she must also give birth. However, the philosopher Aleksandr Dugin proposes to resettle the cities and send people back to the villages, where a man and a woman make love more often out of boredom and have children every year. A bearded man, a round woman and a flock of children, like organ whistles in a row. This is Dugin's ideal, which fully coincides with the ideal of Hitler's German family. True, in the vision of the leading Nazi of Germany, the man did not have a beard.
Those advocating an increase in the population say Russian women should give birth as often as possible, preferably to more boys, to replenish the ranks of the Russian army.
The Russian Ministry of Finance has joined the fight for a strong family by preparing a proposal to raise the state fee for filing divorce documents from 650 rubles to 5,000 rubles (from 6 euros to 50 euros). The restoration of the childlessness tax, abolished in 1992, is also being considered. Among the exotic proposals made to strengthen the Russian family is the ban on home delivery of food, so that the wife prepares lunches and dinners herself and, using her cooking skills, draws her husband to her with strong ties. And, of course, going to church on Sundays is to become mandatory, because the church is the main citadel of morality and culture. One of the clergy belonging to the close circle of the patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church has already said: «Orthodox culture means more than Russian culture». The expression «Children, kitchen, church» is becoming the leading ideology of Russia's population policy. Concern has also been expressed in the Russian State Duma about women's beauty standards and calls have been made for the regulation of female lip augmentation. The explanatory memorandum of one of the bills says: «It is necessary to establish a clear rule on what the volume of the lips must be, what size, what the permitted percentage of enlargement is, and girls with non-standard lips must be sent to compulsory treatment.»