Teslas can operate with an autopilot system that reads traffic signs, regulates speed, and maintains lane and distance control. While driving on autopilot, the Tesla checks every 30 seconds to ensure the driver is awake, and if the driver doesn't place their hands on the wheel as instructed, the vehicle issues a loud warning signal. If the driver still does not take control, the car will slow down and come to a stop.
Tesla's driver assistance systems are designed to minimize the likelihood of traffic accidents. If the Tesla detects a hazardous situation, the emergency brake is activated. However, the driver can override the emergency brake by pressing the gas pedal firmly. According to Kristjan Liiva, sales manager at Tesla dealer First EV, this could be one possible reason for the accident. Liiva does not consider it likely that the emergency brake simply did not activate.
He told Postimees that Tesla has six cameras around the car that provide a 360-degree view of the surroundings. «Tesla has a memory stick that records the data from these cameras. However, recording can be manually disabled, and the memory stick can be removed from the car altogether,» noted Liiva.
He added that some driving information should also be recorded by servers, as the cars are connected to them, but he could not specify to what extent or at what intervals the servers store this information. For this, one should likely contact a Tesla representative. In Estonia, only Tesla dealers operate, and the nearest representative office is in Finland.