In order to achieve the goal of renewable electricity, the electricity grid must also be strengthened, as the available connection capacities have been exhausted. The islands and most of the mainland do not have available connection capacity for new producers. The number of requests, offers and contracts to join the network currently significantly exceeds the amount of available network capacity: there are approximately twice as many of them as the network can currently accommodate.
So far, the development of networks has taken place in places selected by renewable energy developers, based on the capabilities of Elering, Elektrilevi and other network operators. However, from the point of view of the National Audit Office, the Ministry of Climate should consider how funding for the construction and renovation of networks should continue, and resolve the question of whether and from which sources funding should take place, so that the network investments necessary from the state's point of view can be made much faster than before.
At the same time, when it comes to the planning of new external connections, neither the profitability of the possible projects nor the financing options have yet been determined. The Ministry of Climate has considered the construction of a fourth Estonian-Latvian connection, a third Estonian-Finnish connection, as well as a sea cable between Estonia and Germany, but no decision has been made regarding any of the connections, because the profitability of the projects has not been analyzed and the financing possibilities for the construction of the connections are not known.